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How does the system communicate?The system uses the new LoRaWAN digital protocol, but comes pre-configured so that AGWAN devices are plug-and-play, keeping setup and complexitiy for the user to an absolute minimum. Whilst sutable for status data and measurements (GPS position, temperature, pressure etc.) LoRaWAN protocol is not a direct replacement for WIFI or other systems designed to send video, immages etc.
Can I add additional devices to my network in the future?Yes! Simply order the devices online under your originally registered account email address and the new devices will arrive preconfigured to work as soon as they are connected or as soon as the batteries are installed.
Can I install the devices myself?That depends! Although simple to install, the units must be installed by a suitably qualified person in accordance with the supplied instructions. Depending on the region of the world, this likely means by a licensed electrician for the irrigator monitor, however most other devices require only basic skills to install and can be successfully installed by the end user.
Will there be more offerings in the future?Yes! We already have quite the array of products specific to the agricultural sector, but we are constantly working on additional devices and solutions. If you have a use case that looks to be outside our current offerings, reach out to us and we'll see what we can do to accommodate your request.

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